Featured Funds in Anthropology
Anthropology Support Fund
Support the department of Anthropology with a direct donation.
Specify account number 307277.
DEM3 Student Support and Assistance Fund
Supports both undergraduate and graduate majors studying in the Department of Anthropology at The Ohio State University.
Specify account number 317767.
Anthropology Public Outreach Program Fund
Provides resources to support all activities related to the Anthropology Public Outreach Program.
Specify account number 316195.
Student Scholarship
Elizabeth A. Salt Anthropology Award Fund
Supports graduate student travel and research expenses during field work research.
Bourguignon Scholarship Fund
Support for Anthropology Graduate Students and Research.
Specify Account Number 309218
Daniel Hughes Memorial Fund/Endowment Fund
Established March 7, 1986 by Violeta Hughes and friends in memory of her husband Dr. Hughes, professor of anthropology. Income supports undergraduate/graduate travel to present professional papers/posters at international, national or regional meetings .
Specify Account Number: 603315
Science and Conservation in Africa's Rainforests Fund
Supports OSU student's travel expenses to Africa. Supports anti-poaching patrols in selected rainforests, purchases wildlife education materials for programs in rural African schools. Sponsors exchange programs for African and OSU undergraduates.
Specify Account Number 313356
Contact: Dr. McGraw
Daniel Hughes Memorial Fund/Student Research
The Daniel Hughes Memorial Fund in memory of Dr. Daniel Hughes, supports student travel to present papers at professional meetings.
Specify Account Number 203315
Clark Spencer Larsen Student Fund for Research and Travel
Supports student travel and research expenses, supplies, equipment.
Specify Account Number 313018
Contact: Dr. Larsen
Anthropological Research
Archaeobotany Research
Supports research on the prehistoric and colonial-era farming systems of Native North America through study of archaeological plant remains.
Specify Account Number 302068
Contact: Dr. Gremillion
Ohio Archaeology Research Fund
The Ohio Archaeology Research Fund supports research on settlement patterns and community organization of prehistoric societies in the Ohio River drainage. Of particular interest are Adena and Hopewell sites.
Specify Account Number 305292
Contact: Dr. W. Dancey
Human Biology Research Fund
The Human Biology Research Fund supports research on variation and diversity in human populations. Genetics, health, and age-related variation are emphasized.
Specify Account Number 305746
Contact: Dr. D. Crews
Forensic Anthropology Research Fund
The Forensic Anthropology Research Fund supports research in forensic anthropology.
Specify Account Number 305876
Contact: Dr. P. Sciulli
Early Near Eastern Agricultural Fund
The Ancient Near Eastern Agricultural Fund supports archaeological and archaeobotanical research in the Eastern Mediterranean and southern Arabia.
Specify Account Number 310191
Contact: Dr. J. McCorriston
Paleoanthropology and Evolutionary Ecology Research Fund (PEER)
The Paleoanthropology and Evolutionary Ecology Research Fund funds overseas fossil excavations, publication costs and conference travel. A portion funds graduate and undergraduate student research.
Specify Account Number 312445
The Transnational Research Laboratory Fund
Fund number: 318085
The fund supports the Transnational Research Laboratory in the Department of Anthropology (“Department”). Expenditures may be used for, but are not limited to, undergraduate and graduate research, laboratory equipment, programming with affiliated researchers and guest lecturers, and faculty research and teaching. Expenditures shall be approved in accordance with the then current guidelines and procedures established by the College of Arts and Sciences (“College”).
Public Lectures and Seminars
Annual Paul H. and Erika Bourguignon Lecture in Art and Anthropology Fund
The Bourguignon Scholarship/Lecture Fund, honoring Dr. Erika Bourguignon and the memory of Paul-Henri Bourguignon. Pays expenses of annual Speaker on the subject of Art and Anthropology.
Specify Account Number 640666
We currently can only accept donations by check or online.
If paying by check, please indicate the fund you wish to donate to and make checks payable to: The Ohio State University Foundation
Please send checks to:
The Ohio State University
Department of Anthropology
4034 Smith Laboratory
174 West 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1364
Your Gift Makes a Difference

Finn Lerner
I am Finn Lerner, a scholarship recipient! I am entering my third year as an anthropology and psychology double major. This fall semester, I am excited to attend the following classes: Human Origins, Fundamentals of Archaeology, Introduction to Anatomy, History of Anthropological Theory, Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, and Psychology of Emotion! I utilized the award over the summer for the DANTA field course in Primate Behavior and Conservation.
Receiving financial support has provided me with the incredible opportunity to travel to Costa Rica to study Geoffroy’s spider monkeys, Mantled howler monkeys, Central American white-faced capuchins, and Red-backed squirrel monkeys. Being able to observe these primates outside of textbooks and PowerPoints has been an experience of a lifetime. I learned the methods for measuring primate behavior, biodiversity, and environmental variables, as well as the processes of estimating population size. Being educated on these topics is essential for my education since my goal is to earn a Ph.D. in anthropology to pursue primatology.
Before I realized this goal, I was drawn to Ohio State due to the quality of education that the university provides as well as the community that you become a part of by being a Buckeye. Not only am I receiving top-quality education from faculty that are experts in their fields, but I am also able to connect with anyone else that is a fellow Buckeye. When walking around a different state in Ohio State gear, there is that instant connection when someone yells, “O-H!” Ultimately, Ohio State has allowed me to enjoy learning again, to truly be immersed in the material and not just complete work for the grade.
The DANTA group stayed at Osa Conservation surrounded by the rainforest and the wildlife that inhabits it. It was a surreal experience as we were provided with a natural alarm clock; every morning we were awakened by the deafening mantled howlers. As we prepared for the day, we encountered even more primates as it was not uncommon to spot squirrel monkeys and spider monkeys in the nearby trees. Throughout our stay, we hiked daily in the forest to collect data on the monkeys and their habitat. We also attended lectures in the open-air classroom filled with skeletal remains of Osa’s animals. One of the most memorable experiences was when they allowed us to accompany them on their night hike to observe sea turtles as they lay their eggs. Due to the minimal light pollution in the area, the night sky can clearly be seen filled with stars, planets, and the Milky Way. After a few hours of sleep, we hiked back to the same beach to relocate the eggs to protect them from predation. While I was expecting to learn about Costa Rica’s monkeys, I was very surprised to play an active role in the conservation of sea turtles as the conservationist entrusted me to move the eggs to their new nest.
I am so very grateful for the support that has been provided to further my education. Thank you for actively supporting Ohio State students to follow their dreams!