BARL Associated Faculty

BARL Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
The Bioarchaeology Research Laboratory is a large, shared laboratory space for research programs in bioarchaeology and skeletal biology. The main laboratory space includes a sink with a hazardous waste trap, fume hood, eyewash station, burn cabinet for storage of contain hazardous chemicals, and a whiteboard. The main laboratory space also includes two large central laboratory benches that can seat eight workers each. A long laboratory bench provides workstations for several microscopes and a desktop computer. Cabinets underneath these benches are used to store equipment for sample preparation and microscopy. Six glass cabinets extend above this long counter and provide space for laboratory equipment and microscopic slide storage. Three cubicles with desks each house a dual-screen desktop computer and provide workspace for graduate students and visiting researchers. Beyond the cubicles, floor-to-ceiling metal cabinets provide storage space for research materials. A smaller room is adjacent to the main laboratory space and primarily houses workspace for visiting researchers, students, and faculty personnel. The room houses an extensive dental cast research collection (Renee M. Menegaz-Bock Dental Anthropology Collection). There are three primary office spaces for graduate students, Clark Larsen, and visiting researchers.
Computer Facilities
The Bioarchaeology Research Laboratory houses five Dell OptiPlex 980 computers with dual-screen monitors, a Windows 10 Enterprise operating system, and a Microsoft Office 2018 suite that are available to anyone working in the laboratory. The laboratory, office, computer lab, and personal computers all have access to the following software programs through The Ohio State University Office of the Chief Information Officer: Adobe Acrobat Professional Version XI, statistical computing software SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc.), statistical computing software SPSS version 23 64-bit, and spatial analysis software ArcGIS version 10.2, ImageJ (NIH) and FIJI (NIH) and the statistical computing software R x64 3.2.2 (The R Foundation). All departmental computers are connected to a printer.
The laboratory computer connected to the Olympus BX51 computer and SPOT digital camera also includes the software SPOT Advanced 4.7 to run the digital camera and Adobe Photoshop CS2 for photomerging adjacent images into a single image. This computer is also connected to a Wacom Intuous 9” x 12” digital tablet.
Department of Anthropology Resources
The Department of Anthropology employs one administrative assistant who assists with ordering laboratory materials, one graduate program coordinator who assists graduate students with completing graduation requirements, one systems manager who maintains and repairs computer equipment, and one fiscal officer who oversees grant fund and other expenditures. The Ohio State University Office of the Chief Information Officer provides technical support for university computer networks, university-supplied software, university computer accounts, and computer hardware in university locations. The Ohio State University Office of Environmental Health and Safety provides, collects, and disposes of containers for disposal of biohazardous waste, chemical waste, and sharps, all of which are present in the Bioarchaeology Research Laboratory. This office also provides online training modules to certify researchers to work in the Bioarchaeology Research Laboratory, currently classified as Biosafety Level 2.
Other Equipment/Materials
Preparation of bone and tooth thin sections: Anatomical dissection kit, Dremel 400 XPR (with cut-off wheels No. 409, 429, and 540), Buehler Isomet 1000 Diamond Blade Saw (with series 15LC diamond wafering blades of diameters 4 inches and 6 inches, and a measured kerf of 534 µm), dressing sticks for diamond blade saw, Cool2 Cutting Fluid for diamond blade saw (Concentrated, 1 L), chucks for holding bone to saw (screw chuck, large and small wafer chuck, target holder for petrographic slides, assorted slide holder chucks), xylenes for slide cleaning, (1 gallon), 75 x 50 x 1 mm glass slides (15 boxes of 72 slides each), 75 x 25 x 1 mm glass slides (16 boxes of 72 slides each), 1 x 3 inch petrographic slides (7 boxes of 72 slides each), mounting media for mounting bone to slide (crystal bond, super glue, duco cement, permount), a Mitutoyo digimatic micrometer for measuring section thickness, a Waterpik cordless water flosser for washing out bone marrow, ultrasonic cleaner, and distilled water (~1 gallon). Buehler Metaserv 2000 grinding and polishing wheel, Apex Diamond Grinding Discs (15 µm, 35 µm, 45 µm, 75 µm), polishing cloths (Microcloth x 10, Trident Polishing Cloth x 10, Ultra-Pol Cloth x 10), CarbiMet SiC 8” Abrasive Paper (120 grit x 1, 250 grit x 1 , 360 grit x 2, 400 grit x 1, 600 grit x 3), MasterPrep Polishing Suspension, 0.05 µm (~2 L), MicroPolish Alumina, 0.3 µm (6 oz), Minimet 1000 polisher/grinder, CarbiMet SiC 3” Abrasive Paper (320 grit, 600 grit), Microcloth 3”, Texmet 3”, Diamond paste (1 µm x 2, 9 µm x 1, 6 µm x 1).
Imaging bone and tooth sections: Olympus BX51 microscope with attached SPOT digital camera, two Olympus CX41 microscopes, one Olympus SZ-PT stereomicroscope, and three packs of microscope lens paper (4” x 6”).
Staining solution preparation: Pyrex beakers (1000 mL, 600 mL, 250 mL, 100 mL, 50 mL), Fisher Scientific RT Basic Magnetic Stirrer 170US, Ohaus Digital Scale (0.1 g precision) with 6”x6” FisherBrand Weighing Paper, ParaFilm 4” x 250’, Ethyl Alcohol Absolute 200 Proof (100%) (~900 mL), heavy duty aluminum foil to wrap sample containers during staining, and a Buehler Vacuum Impregnation Pump system with 1/4” tubing.
General safety and cleaning equipment: Six trays for setting objects in fume hood, safety glasses, lab coats, kimwipes, nitrile gloves small, nitrile gloves.
BARL Ph.D. Graduates
Heather Edgar 2002 Professor, University of New Mexico
Loren Lease 2003 Associate Professor, Youngstown State University
Kimberly Williams 2005 Associate Professor, Temple University
Daniel Temple 2007 Associate Professor and Chair, George Mason University
Tracy Betsinger 2007 Professor and Chair, State University of New York, College at Oneonta
James H Gosman 2007 Adjunct Associate Professor, Ohio State University
Haagen Klaus 2008 Associate Professor, George Mason University
Deborrah Pinto 2009 Forensic Anthropologist, Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences
B. Scott Aubry 2009 Lecturer, Ohio State University- Newark
Robin Feeney 2009 Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, University College Dublin
Marin Pilloud 2009 Associate Professor, University of Nevada
Joshua Peck 2009 Forensic Anthropologist, POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Hawaii
Jaime Ullinger 2010 Associate Professor, Quinnipiac University
Joyce Chan 2011 Assistant Professor, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Amanda Agnew 2011 Associate Professor, Ohio State University College of Medicine
Heather Jarrell 2011 Lecturer, California State University, Stanislaus
Leslie Gregoricka 2011 Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Meghan-Tomasita Cosgriff-Hernandez 2012 POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Hawaii
Stephen Schlecht 2012 Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine
Britney Kyle 2012 Associate Professor and Chair, Northern Colorado University
Laurie Reitsema 2012 Associate Professor, University of Georgia
Amy Hubbard 2012 Associate Professor, Wright State University
Corey Maggiano 2012 Assistant Professor, University of West Georgia
Megan Ingvoldstadt 2012 Forensic Anthropologist, POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Hawaii
Pedro da Gloria 2012 Assistant Professor, Federal University of Para, Brazil
Giuseppe Vercellotti 2012 Adjunct Professor, The Ohio State University
Samantha Blatt 2013 Assistant Professor, Idaho State University
Sarah Martin 2013 Instructor, Spokane Falls Community College
Lara McCormick 2013 Forensic Anthropologist, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Offut Air Force Base, Bellevue
Leslie Williams 2013 Associate Professor, Beloit College
Timothy Gocha 2014 Associate Director, Forensic Anthropology Center, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University
Adam Kolatorowicz 2015 Associate Professor of Anatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
Randee Hunter 2015 Clinical Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Zachariah R. Hubbell 2016 Research Associate, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, U.S. Department of Energy
Selin E. Nugent 2017 Assistant Director, Social Science Research, Oxford Brookes
Marissa Stewart 2017 Instructional Coach, Catholic University
Colleen M. Cheverko 2018 Anatomical Sciences Lab Supervisor, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kathryn E. Marklein 2018 Assistant Professor, University of Louisville
Mary Beth Cole 2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Medicine, Ohio State University
Brian D. Padgett 2020 Forensic Anthropologist, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Oahu, Hawaii
Malorie E. Albee 2022 Assistant Professor, Northern Michigan University