Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg
4006 Smith Laboratory
174 W. 18th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Research interests:In my research, I use teeth to answer questions about life history profiles, growth, and biological relationships in primates and fossil hominins. Teeth present an ideal source of information about these questions for several reasons. First, teeth preserve a record of their growth in their hard tissues. Second, tooth growth reflects the overall growth of the organisms of which teeth were a part during life. Third, teeth themselves are the most often preserved skeletal elements in fossil and archaeological assemblages. Some publications representing these interests are listed below (please see my CV for a complete publication list). I have worked on such questions in non-human primates, Plio-Pleistocene hominins, Neandertals, and modern humans. I am also interested in a variety of other subjects including dental sexual dimorphism, fluctuating asymmetry, and dental morphology.
Current Graduate Students
Barbara Betz (co-advisor)
Leigh Oldershaw (co-advisor)
Kaita Gurian
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