Research and Travel Funding for Undergraduates

The Department of Anthropology offers two awards that provide funds to support undergraduate student travel and research: the Daniel Hughes Memorial Fund and the DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund. There are  two calls for proposals: one early in the autumn semester and one early in the spring semester.

Through the graciousness of Ms. Violeta Hughes, the Daniel Hughes Memorial Fund will help support graduate and undergraduate student travel to regional, national, or international professional meetings. Awards are normally limited to $500. Larger amounts may be considered at the discretion of the Graduate Studies Committee.

Applications must include the following items: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) one-page letter outlining the research you plan to present and the venue at which you will present your work. If the work is co-authored, clearly outline your personal contribution to the finished work; and (3) a budget with itemized cost estimates.

The DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund provides support for research and conference related expenses, including travel, equipment, supplies, lodging, meals, and registration fees. All current graduate and undergraduate students in our department are eligible for funding. 

Award amounts, call for applications, selection criteria, specific format and other requirements are at the discretion of the Graduate Studies Committee. Awards usually will not exceed $1500.

Applications must include: (1) curriculum vitae or resume; (2) a budget with itemized cost estimates; and (3) either a two-page project description explaining how the award will advance the student’s research or a one-page letter outlining the research that will be presented and the conference to be attended. If the work is co-authored, the student’s contribution to the finished work must be detailed.