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Major in Anthropology (BA)

I. Pre-requisite

Majors must complete the following 1 course (4 hours):

  • ANT 2200  Introduction to Physical Anthropology

II. Core Courses

You must complete the following 5 courses in the following three subfields (15 hours):

  1. Physical Anthropology
    • ANT 3300 Human Origins OR
    • ANT 3301 Modern Human Physical Variation
  2. Archaeology
    • ANT 2201 Introduction to Archaeology
    • ANT 3401 Fundamentals of Archaeology
  3. Cultural Anthropology
    • ANT 2202 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
    • ANT 4525 – History of Anthropological Theory

III. Electives

Majors must complete at least 15 hours of electives (~5 courses) including at least one course in each of the three sub-disciplines.  No more than 7 hours of the 15 hours of elective credit may be comprised of non-graded course work (independent study, undergraduate research or field school, etc.) Please contact the undergraduate advisor if you have questions about which sub-discipline a particular course falls under.

  1. Physical Anthropology electives
    • ANTHROP 3211 Introduction to Forensic Science
    • ANTHROP 3300* Human Origins
    • ANTHROP 3301* Modern Human Physical Variation
    •  ANTHROP 3302 Introduction to Medical Anthropology
    • ANTHROP 3304 The Living Primates
    • ANTHROP 3305 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
    • ANTHROP 3315 Evolution: Contemp./Interdiscip. Perspectives
    • ANTHROP 3403 Polynesia and the South Pacific
    • ANTHROP 3409 Primate Evolution
    • ANTHROP 3411 Human Ecological Adaptations
    • ANTHROP 3500 Primate Sexuality
    • ANTHROP 3504 Introduction to Anatomy
    • ANTHROP 4597.04 The Molecular Revolution
    • ANTHROP 5600 Evolutionary Medicine
    • ANTHROP 5602 Women’s Health in Global Perspective
    • ANTHROP 5607 Human Osteology
    • ANTHROP 5608 Skeletal Biology
    • ANTHROP 5609 Dental Anthropology
    • ANTHROP 5610 Bioarchaeology
    • ANTHROP 5641 Primate Behavior
    • ANTHROP 5642 Growth and Development
    • ANTHROP 5644 Forensic Anthropology
    • ANTHROP 5651 Spatial Analysis for Anthropologists
    • ANTHROP 5797 Study at a Foreign Institution (with approval)


  1. Archaeology electives
    • ANTHROP 3350 Prehistoric Indians of the Ohio Valley
    • ANTHROP 3420 Indians of North America
    • ANTHROP 3434 Archaeology of the Holy Land
    • ANTHROP 3451 Archaeology of the Near East
    • ANTHROP 3452 Archaeology of the Pacific Islands
    • ANTHROP 3554 Archaeology of North America
    • ANTHROP 3555 New World Prehistory: Ancient Maya
    • ANTHROP 3604 Intro. to the Methods of Arch. Science
    • ANTHROP 3623 Environmental Archaeology
    • ANTHROP 4597.03H Models of Sust. & Resil., Lessons from the Past
    • ANTHROP 5603 Strategy of Archaeological Field Research
    • ANTHROP 5604 Archaeological Laboratory Methods
    • ANTHROP 5606 Who Owns the Past
    • ANTHROP 5614 Ethnobotany
    • ANTHROP 5651 Spatial Analysis for Anthropologists
    • ANTHROP 5797 Study at a Foreign Institution (with approval)


  1. Cultural Anthropology electives
    • ANTHROP 3302 Introduction to Medical Anthropology
    • ANTHROP 3334 Zombies: The Anthropology of the Undead
    • ANTHROP 3340 The Anthropology of Mental Health
    • ANTHROP 3350 Native Am. of the Ohio Valley: Ice Age-Col. Per.
    • ANTHROP 3416 Latin American Peoples and Cultures
    • ANTHROP 3418 Anthropology of Africa
    • ANTHROP 3419 Latin American Cultures and Migration
    • ANTHROP 3597.01 Crisis! An Anth. Perspective of Global Issues
    • ANTHROP 3597.02 Women, Culture, and Development
    • ANTHROP 3623 Environmental Anthropology 
    • ANTHROP 5600 Evolutionary Medicine
    • ANTHROP 5601 The Anthropology of Sex, Drugs, and HIV
    • ANTHROP 5602 Women’s Health in Global Perspective
    • ANTHROP 5614 Ethnobotany
    • ANTHROP 5615 Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior
    • ANTHROP 5620 Hunters and Gatherers
    • ANTHROP 5624 The Anthropology of Food
    • ANTHROP 5625 Anthropology of Religion
    • ANTHROP 5626 More: Culture and Economic Life
    • ANTHROP 5627 Migrants and Refugees: The Anth. of Mobility
    • ANTHROP 5650 Research Design and Ethnographic Methods
    • ANTHROP 5651 Spatial Analysis for Anthropologists
    • ANTHROP 5700 Anthropology, Public Health, and Human Rights
    • ANTHROP 5701 Health in Healing in Latin Am. & the Caribbean
    • ANTHROP 5797 Study at a Foreign Institution (with approval)

    4. Two additional electives from the lists above (or one elective and 3005).

  • ANTHROP 3005 Careers with Anthropology

Please contact the undergraduate advisor if you have questions about which courses satisfy each sub-discipline requirement - Dr. Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg (614) 292.9768, guatelli-steinbe.1@osu.edu, 4006 Smith Laboratory.