Internships are an excellent opportunity to gain valuable professional experience, explore different career fields, develop your professional network, and apply the skills and knowledge that you are learning in your anthropology courses.
Anthropology students have had internship and volunteer positions in a wide range of organizations in the greater Columbus area and beyond, including the Ohio History Center, Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Franklin County Forensic Science Center, and the Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS).
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You can get up to 3 credit hours for your internship and you can count your internship as an elective for your anthropology major. For more information contact the undergraduate advisor Cameron Beason at beason.11@osu.edu or contact Dr. Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg at guatelli-steinbe.1@osu.edu. You can download a copy of the learning agreement here:

Practical experience in archaeological fieldwork including site survey, excavation, surveying and mapping, preservation, and other related methods and techniques of data recovery. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Field school is conducted at a site within commuting distance of the Columbus campus. Minimum Credit Hours: 2. Maximum Credit Hours: 15, For more information contact Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg guatelli-steinbe.1@osu.edu

Handshake is Ohio State's new university-wide position posting system where students have access to search and apply for part-time jobs, internships, co-ops, and full-time career opportunities. Thousands of jobs, internship and career opportunities are posted in Handshake as well as information on upcoming career fairs and on-campus recruiting events. For more information visit handshake.osu.edu, log into your account to see find the internship posting for you.

The Career Accelerator Fund of the College of Arts and Sciences provides financial support for students participating in unpaid or minimally paid internships, research roles or other career building experiences.
- Contact your academic advisor about potential internship opportunities or ideas, or contact Dr. Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg to set up an appointment.
- Look for internship opportunities online through websites such as Handshake, AlumniFire, LinkedIn, Indeed, or in person by attending career fairs.
- Build your resume and cover letter and have it critiqued by an advisor, staff at ASC Career Success who can help you improve your resume in minutes.
- Learn more about the organization you wish to intern for. Research their website, ask faculty members if they have experience with the organization, and contact alumni working there.
- Expect an interview. Be prepared by doing practice interviews with a friend or a mock interview at ASC Career Success, have your resume and cover letter ready as well as questions about your responsibilities at the organization, and dress professionally.