Subdisciplines in Anthropology


Archaeology is the study of past human societies via the analysis of the remains of the materials of everyday life. Archaeologists excavate the remains of human habitations, monuments, and other features, and integrate these data with laboratory analyses of artifacts.  Archaeological research spans the earliest human cultures to the historic period.  More information about archaeology is available at this link.  

Physical Anthropology

Physical (or biological) anthropologists study all aspects of present and past human biology.  Physical anthropologists explore the evolution of humans and their primate relatives, both living and extinct, and also study the biology of modern humans. Physical anthropologists study living primates, fossil hominins, human skeletons from archaeological contexts, and modern living humans.  More information about physical anthropology is available at this link.

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural anthropologists study all aspects of society and culture; culture is the learned behavior that is transmitted from person to person which unifies human societies. Cultural anthropologists study a wide range of social processes in modern societies, ranging from economics, health, migration, governmental structure, environmental politics, and many more.  More information about cultural anthropology is available at this link.