Habiba Chichir

Habiba Chichir

Habiba Chichir

Assistant Professor


(614) 247-0280

4050 Smith Laboratory
174 W. 18th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

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Dr. Chirchir investigates the evolution of gracile morphology in modern humans, focusing on the relationship between skeletal structure and behavior across the human fossil record, contemporary human populations, and various extant mammalian taxa, including felids and canids. She employs high-resolution imaging techniques to quantify trabecular and cortical bone. Dr. Chirchir's work aims to understand the evolution of gracile morphology through a multifaceted approach, examining changes in trabecular and cortical bone across evolutionary timescales as well as within the lifespan of individual organisms. Her goal is to differentiate between skeletal changes influenced by functional adaptations and those resulting from major evolutionary shifts. She also engages in field research in Baringo, Kenya where she focuses on recovering and documenting fossil remains. To learn more about her work please visit the Skeletal Anatomy Lab (SAL).

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