Map of Research Sites

  1. Joy McCorriston (co-PI). Origins and Development of Tribal Social Identities and Territorial Behaviors in Ancient Southern Arabia.  National Science Foundation Award (2006).
  2. Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg (PI). Investigating the effects of enamel growth variables on linear enamel hypoplasia in primates. National Science Foundation Award (2006).
  3. Clark Larsen (co-PI) Health and Lifestyle at Çatalhöyük: Bioarchaeology of a Neolithic Settlement in the Konya Plain, Turkey. National Geographic Society Award (2006).
  4. Jeffrey Cohen (PI) The role of crises in migration outcomes: rural Oaxacans and politics in Oaxaca City, Mexico. National Science Foundation Award # BCS-0706795 (2007).
  5. Douglas Crews (PI) Biophysical Stress and Frailty Among Aging Japanese on Oshima Island. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (2008).
  6. W. Scott McGraw (PI). Feeding Behavior and Food Material Properties Among Cercopithecid Monkeys in the Tai Forest, Ivory Coast. National Science Foundation Award # 0840110 (2008).
  7. Mark Moritz (PI). CAREER: Pastoral Management of Open Access: The Emergence of a Complex Adaptive System. National Science Foundation Award # BCS-0748594 (2008).
  8. Richard Yerkes (co-PI). Early Village Social Dynamics: Prehistoric Settlement Nucleation on the Great Hungarian Plain. National Science Foundation Award # BCS-0911336 (2009).
  9. Robert Cook (PI) The Fort Ancient Regional Movement (FARM) Project.  National Science Foundation Award (2011).
  10. Anna Willow (PI) The Politics of Environmental Alliance: A Multi-sited Ethnography of the Boreal Leadership Council. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (2012).
  11. Julie Field (co-PI). Investigating the Subsistence Transition in Post-Lapita Fiji (2500-1500 years BP).  National Science Foundation Award # BCS-1216330 (2012). 
  12. Mark Hubbe (co-PI). Collaborative Research: The Emergence of Inequality in the Atacama Oases. National Science Foundation Award # 1359644 (2014).
  13. Barbara Piperata (PI). Tracking the Nutrition Transition in Rural Amazonia: a longitudinal and comparative approach. Fulbright Scholar Award (2015).
  14. Joy McCorriston (co-PI). Pastoral Territoriality as a Dynamic Coupled System.  National Science Foundation Award (2016).
  15. Anna Willow (PI). Contested Developments and Cumulative Effects: Understanding Diverse Responses to Energy Resource Development in British Columbia’s Peace River Region. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (2016).
  16. Jeffrey McKee. Evolution of hominins of Makapansgat, South Africa.
  17. Nicholas Kawa. Anthropogenic environments in the Amazon, Brazil.
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  21. Sean S. Downey (PI). NSF CAREER: Analyzing the Emergence of a Complex Swidden Management System in the Toledo District, Belize (2016-2021)