
Upcoming Events

March 20, 2025

Dr. Alessia Nava Talk

4012 Smith Laboratory

Recent News

Students attending the alumni panel and internship fair

Great turn out for the alumni panel and internship fair!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Alumni Panel and Internship Fair this past Monday, February 24th. More than 40 undergraduate and graduate students attended the event and explored…

Andrew Mitchel

A Story of Us Podcast Interview With Andrew Mitchel

For our first episode of the year, our new host, Nagarathna Balakrishna, sits down with fellow PhD candidate and former podcast host, Andrew Mitchell (mitchell.13@osu.edu), to discuss his…

Ana Carolina Brito in front of the OSU football stadium

Ana Carolina Brito Featured on The Office of International Affairs

PhD Student in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), member of Dr. Piperata's Human Biological Anthropology Laboratory as well as the MIcrobiome Project, Ana Carolina Brito was…

Barbara Piperata

Dr. Barbara Piperata contributes to two recent publications and the launch of the NSF Cultural Anthropology Methods Program (CAMP) International Curriculum

Dr. Piperata recently contributed to two papers, one in American Anthropologist and the other in Practicing Anthropology, that highlight the importance of mixed methods and biocultural approaches…