
Jeffrey Peterson A Story of Us Podcast
Check out the newest edition of the A Story of Us podcast presented by The Anthropology Public Outreach Program at The Ohio State University Department of Anthropology with our lecturer…

Dr. Jeffrey Cohen and PhD Candidate Andrew Mitchel Article in Journal of Global Health
Please check out Dr. Jeffrey Cohen and PhD Candidate Andrew Mitchel's new piece in the Journal of Global Health entitled Evaluating the indigenous response to COVID-19 in rural Oaxaca, Mexico.…

Dr. Richard Yerkes' New Book Chapter
Please check out Dr. Richard Yerkes new chapter entitled Faunal Analysis in the new book Archaeological Investigations in a Northern Albanian Province: Results of the Projekti…

Dr. Julie FIeld Nature Ecology & Evolution Paper
Please check out Dr. Julie Field's brand new paper entitled Fire activity and deforestation in Remote Oceanian islands caused by anthropogenic and climate interactions! Here is the abstract:

Elizabeth Holdsworth A Story of Us Interview
Check out the newest edition of the A Story of Us podcast presented by The Anthropology Public Outreach Program at The Ohio State University Department of Anthropology with our newest faculty hire…

DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund
The new DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund provides support for research and conference related expenses, including travel, equipment, supplies, lodging, meals, and registration fees…

Nick Kawa NPR Appearance about the Anthropocene
Nick Kawa recently appeared on the Morning Edition of NPR to discuss the selection by geologists of the timeframe for the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch presented by human intervention in…

New Paper in Human Ecology
Our very own Mark Moritz and Chelsea Hunter just published a collaborative piece in Human Ecology about pastoralism and livestock population growth! You can read the complete article pdf. …

Dr. Douglas Crews TEDx Talk on Evolutionary Medicine
Please check out Dr. Douglas Crews' TEDx entitled Evolutionary Perspectives on Illness and Medicine! Evolutionary Medicine explores our evolved biology as underlying disease and illness in today’s…