

Woman with light brown hair standing in the woods

Tessa Cannon Featured in The Lantern: For The Love of Primates Sanctuary

PhD Candidate Tessa Cannon was recently featured in the OSU newspaper The Lantern for her organization For The Love of Primates' work to obtain and open a primate sanctuary in in Central Ohio. You…

 a family tree of early human ancestors and primates set on a tree background

DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund

The new DEM3 Anthropology Research and Development Fund provides support for research and conference related expenses, including travel, equipment, supplies, lodging, meals, and registration fees…

Chart showing the relationship between pastoralism and population growth

New Paper in Human Ecology

Our very own Mark Moritz and Chelsea Hunter just published a collaborative piece in Human Ecology about pastoralism and livestock population growth! You can read the complete article pdf. …

5 images of Ohio State graduate students in the field on a scarlet background

Summer Fieldwork 2023 OSU Anthropology

Reading more about the ongoing work in the field by our graduate students!
You can view their biographies below or on our Instagram page.

Andrew Mitchel
Andrew spent a month…

Short haired brunet man with monkey skull

A Conversation with Primatologist, Dr. Scott McGraw

PhD candidate Andrew Mitchel sits down with Dr. Scott McGraw to discuss primatology, how to teach about primates to undergraduate students, the role and importance of teeth in the study of…

a rocky, ocean shoreline in Guam

Kyle Riordan Testifies Before Legislature of Guam

While doing archaeological cultural resource management in Guam, doctoral candidate Kyle Riordan had the opportunity to present testimony before the Legislature of Guam.  Alongside Chamorro…

Man standing next to a sign reading INRA Science and Impact

Congratulations, Dr. Arceño!

Dr. Mark Anthony Arceño successfully completed his degree requirements in December, having defended and submitted his dissertation “Changing [Vitivini]Cultures in Ohio, USA, and Alsace, France: An…

A green snail next to the letters APOP

Kicking Off "Seeking Good, Clean, and Fair Food For All" Lecture Series

Last Tuesday, Slow Food Columbus Chapter Leader, APOP Lecture Series Team Leader and PhD candidate Mark Anthony Arceño kicked off the “Seeking Good, Clean, and Fair Food for All: Equity. Inclusion…

A collage of the 2020 graduate student cohort

Welcoming our 2020 Graduate Student Cohort

With a new academic year comes a whole new cohort of graduate students to our department. Since we're unable to meet in person, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce all of our new…