

Madee Green standing in front of a projector screen at the EAA conference

Doctoral candidate Madee Green presents at the EAA conference in Rome

On August 30th, doctoral candidate Madee Green presented her dissertation research at the annual European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) conference in Rome, Italy. The EAA meetings host a…

Kaita Gurian

Kaita Gurian Receives NSF DDRIG

Congratulations to PhD Candidate Kaita Gurian on receiving the prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant from The National Science Foundation!

The grant, titled “Comparing…

Headshots of eight alumni.

Career profiles of alumni

In the course ANTHROP 3005: Careers with Anthropology students interview alumni from our undergraduate and graduate programs about their studies, work, and careers, and how they use…

Woman posing in front of a white statue of Charles Darwin.

Grace Peters Undergraduate Thesis: Relative dental eruption and mechanically challenging diets in colobines and cercopithecines

Congratulations to Grace Peters, whose completed undergraduate thesis is entitled "Relative dental eruption and mechanically challenging diets in colobines and cercopithecines!" Grace traveled to…

a red colobus monkey perched on a tree branch

Ohio State News Article: Protecting endangered monkeys from poachers, habitat loss

Dr. Scott McGraw of our department is featured as a co-author in two recent publications advocating for red colobus monkey conservation in places like the Taï Forest of Ivory Coast in West Africa.…

Careers for Graduate Students

We just published the Careers for Graduate Students web page, which features several resources, including a list of highly relevant career resources for graduate students, a Tableau visualization…

Smiling woman with long hair presenting a research poster.

Abby Scheeser Undergraduate Thesis

Congrats to Abby Scheeser, who successfully defended her undergraduate honors thesis entitled "Geographic Species Variation in Hominin Cranial Morphology." Abby is interested in understanding this…

Woman in white bee keeper outfit holding a part of a beehive

Maddison Elliott A Story of Us Podcast

Check out the newest A Story Of Us interview! It is available on SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.In this episode, Andrew sits down with Maddison Elliott, who is graduating with her MA this…
Blond haired woman standing in front of her research posters at2  conferences

Piper Nickoli Thesis and Posters

Congratulations to Piper Nickoli, who successfully defended her thesis entitled "Medieval Agricultural Practice and Exchange at Arpa Village, Armenia." She presented this work at the Spring…